Hi Internet!   

If you are reading this post you're probably allergic to cats, or one of your family member or dear friend it is.
You would like to adopt a kitten but do not know whether it is actually possible to live with it in this situation...? 

The allergic subjects are allergic specifically to a protein that can be found in the sebaceous glands secretions but mostly in saliva: the FelD1

The cat licking his fur often settles this protein on his hair, which is then spread around in the house environement (also being a very volatine molecule this protein once the saliva has dried) conveying the allergen causing allergic typical symptoms, such as itching, cough, and asthma (as a defensive mechanism, bronchi shake to prevent that other allergens can enter).

It is not recommended to adopt a cat if the allergic person live in the same house.

Fortunately, there are some precautions that could help in your case!   

It is important to choose short-haired cats or hairless cats.  

If you're lucky enough to live in a House with a garden, then the solution is there: keep the cat in the garden and prevent access inside your house. However, keep in mind that the hairs could be carried inside with your clothes, atteched playing with the cat. Then if your partner is allergic may still come into contact with the allergen.   

However, if the allergic person is a friend or family member -but does not live with you-having a cat is feasible, because the subject will not be exposed continuously to the allergen ( which causes many discomforts). A solution for your friend/family member that wants to come and find you might be taking an antihistamine drug before coming for "dinner" at yout house! So at the very least he wont return home with an asthmatic crisis. Risking his own life (almost).  

But apart from what has already been said, if you're going to live with a cat hygiene is important: in the first place! Not just your own, but also that of your cat and the environment in which it lives.   

The rooms like the bedroom should be off-limits for your cats.
It is important to vacuum frequently, especially on surfaces such as sofas and pillows; avoid to have many carpets.  

Ensure a good ventilation of all environments.  

Cleaning surfaces: it is important to use daily effective products but with toxic substances in low concentrations, to avoid the animal poisoning.   

Miao-Miao and Good Luck!

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